Fatimah Hussein

Fatimah Hussein (Senior, Chapter President)

Fatimah Hussein is born and raised on the island of St. Thomas. She is currently a senior at the University of the Virgin Islands completing a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, along with an Associates of Science in Physics. After graduating from UVI, she plans to attend a graduate school to complete her Ph.D. in Astrochemistry and study planet formation and the chemistry involved within it. This will help her gain an understanding of its atmosphere which would lead in helping gain insight on whether there is life outside of our solar system. Moreover, she was not always on the Physics/Astronomy track, but after being involved with the Physics Department at UVI starting in her sophomore year and also completing internships at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and the University of Virginia's Department of Astronomy, she realized that was exactly what she wanted to be involved in for her future studies and field. 

Peter Jean-Baptiste

Peter Jean Baptiste (Senior, Chapter Vice President) 

Peter Jean-Baptiste is a senior majoring in Physics at UVI. The reason he chose physics was because it leads to various fields where he can challenge himself to build and improve on techniques that make accomplishing tasks easier. This was why he was focused on using it in mechanical engineering but was uncertain. He wasn't sure about his choices but knew that physics was an interesting field that branches into multiple occupations. This gave him time to experiment and figure out what he wanted to do. He wants to go to grad school and learn a few engineering techniques because he wishes to utilize his hands in building. He still remains somewhat uncertain. During his academic adventure, he managed to get involved with NSBP as a Vice President. However, he and Fatimah, the President, decided to work together and become co-presidents. 

(On paper, Fatimah Hussein is President and Peter Jean Baptiste is Vice President, but they go by Co-Presidents at UVI.) 

Emely Henriquez

Emely Henriquez (Junior, Secretary) 

Emely Henriquez Pilier is currently a Junior pursuing a Bachelors of Chemistry and an Associates in Physics. She wants to be a pharmacologist in the future. Medicine is a huge part of alleviating people. She wishes to be a part of this medicinal process. Doctors can find the problem but it is the medicine that alleviates pain and illnesses. She is a chemistry major but after taking a few physics courses, her interests in physics and learning about the universe was exciting. As a result, she decided to persevere in physics and get the Associates Degree as well. She enjoys being in this close knit group of individuals and  the professors are extremely kind and helpful. 

Silene Prentice

Silene Prentice (Junior, Treasurer) 

Silene Prentice is a Physics and Mathematics with a minor in Computational Science at the University of the Virgin Islands. She chose physics because astrophysics has always been a passion of hers. Knowing that we are in a massive and strange universe gives a humbling yet thrilling sense of purpose. She currently in my last year of studies. Her future plans include taking a year off from academics. After that year, she does plan on going to graduate school for either a masters in Aerospace Engineering or a PhD in Astrophysics. 

Derrick Thomas- (Junior, PRO) 

Information coming soon.

Dr. David Morris

Dr. David Morris- (Chapter Advisor)

Dr. David Morris is a professor of Physics and Astronomy at UVI and the Director of the Etelman Observatory. He is involved in various aspects of the Department of Physics and the College of Science and Mathematics, including the NSBP chapter of UVI as the Chapter Advisor. For more information on Dr. Morris, click here to be redirected to the Faculty, Staff, and Volunteers Page.